Characterization of Genetic Marker for Candidate Gene of Growth Hormone in Madura Cattle
Genetic marker might be considered as one of useful tools for
selecting animals having desire performance(s). Body weight and growth
rate are valuable economic traits in Madura cattle. It was believed that
growth rate of animal is regulated by growth hormone (GH) gene. This study was subjected to evaluate the appropriate primer(s) to growth hormone
gene (GH) and genetic polymorphisms in Madura cattle using PCR-RFLP
technique. DNA from ten mature animals was traced and amplified using 3
primers of GH gene (GHPMFgc1-GHPM1R, GHE5F-GHE5R and GHP1TF3-GHPMTR0, Ge
et al., 2003) using PCR technique. PCR-product was digested with
HaeIII- restriction enzyme using RFLP technique. The results showed that
GH gene in Madura cattle could be traced by those three primers with
the DNA fragments of 477 bp, 412 bp and 119 bp, respectively. Digestion
with HaeIII enzyme of DNA-PCR product resulted polymorphisms with 5
different haplotypes. Haplotype with 5 fragments of DNA restriction
tended with higher mature body weight than others (JIIPB 2009 Vol 19 No
2: 92-99).
Keywords: genetic marker, candidate gene, growth hormone, Madura cattle.
Keywords: genetic marker, candidate gene, growth hormone, Madura cattle.
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Ge W, Davis ME, Hines HC, Irvin KM, Simmen RCM. 2003. Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the grouth hormone and growth hormone receptor genes with blood serum insulin-like growth factor I concentration and growth traits in Angus cattle. Journal of Animal Science 81: 641-648.
Gordon DF, Quick DP, Erwin CR, donelson JE. and Maurer RA. 1983. Nucleotide sequence of the bovine growth hormone chromosomal gene. Molecular and Cell Endrocrinology 33:81-95.
Maj, A., J. Oprzadek., A. Oprzadek., E. Dyminicki., and L. Zwierzchowski. 2004. Polymorphism in The 5’-Noncoding Region of Bovine Growth Hormone Receptor Gene and Its Association with Meat Production Traits in Cattle. Journal of Animal Research 53: 503-514.
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Sutarno. 2005. Penyulihan Asam Amino Leucin oleh Valin pada Posisi 127 Gen Penyandi Hormon Pertumbuhan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan Sapi Benggala. Didownload tanggal 10 Nopember 2005.
Suyadi, 2005a. Bioteknologi Reproduksi serta Peranannya dalam Peningkatan Mutu Genetik dan Produktivitas Ternak. Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar Bidang Bioteknologi Reproduksi Ternak. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang. 26 Nopember 2005.
Suyadi, 2005b. The use of genetic markers for supporting breeding prog in beef cattle. DAAD Miniworkshop. Cisarua. Bogor.
Suyadi, Isnaini N, Rahayu S. 2006. Bioteknologi untuk konservasi ternak lokal: Studi awal analisis keragaman genetik untuk seleksi sapi Madura. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Konservasi Sumberdaya Hayati dan Lingkungan. Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 11 Maret 2006, Surakarta.
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Ge W, Davis ME, Hines HC, Irvin KM, Simmen RCM. 2003. Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the grouth hormone and growth hormone receptor genes with blood serum insulin-like growth factor I concentration and growth traits in Angus cattle. Journal of Animal Science 81: 641-648.
Gordon DF, Quick DP, Erwin CR, donelson JE. and Maurer RA. 1983. Nucleotide sequence of the bovine growth hormone chromosomal gene. Molecular and Cell Endrocrinology 33:81-95.
Maj, A., J. Oprzadek., A. Oprzadek., E. Dyminicki., and L. Zwierzchowski. 2004. Polymorphism in The 5’-Noncoding Region of Bovine Growth Hormone Receptor Gene and Its Association with Meat Production Traits in Cattle. Journal of Animal Research 53: 503-514.
Robyt IM, White BJ. 1987. Biochemichal Techniques: Theory and Practices. Books/Cole Publishing Company. California.
Sutarno. 2005. Penyulihan Asam Amino Leucin oleh Valin pada Posisi 127 Gen Penyandi Hormon Pertumbuhan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan Sapi Benggala. Didownload tanggal 10 Nopember 2005.
Suyadi, 2005a. Bioteknologi Reproduksi serta Peranannya dalam Peningkatan Mutu Genetik dan Produktivitas Ternak. Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar Bidang Bioteknologi Reproduksi Ternak. Universitas Brawijaya. Malang. 26 Nopember 2005.
Suyadi, 2005b. The use of genetic markers for supporting breeding prog in beef cattle. DAAD Miniworkshop. Cisarua. Bogor.
Suyadi, Isnaini N, Rahayu S. 2006. Bioteknologi untuk konservasi ternak lokal: Studi awal analisis keragaman genetik untuk seleksi sapi Madura. Seminar Nasional Bioteknologi Konservasi Sumberdaya Hayati dan Lingkungan. Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 11 Maret 2006, Surakarta.
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