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jurnal Pengaruh Diet Mep + Inklusi pada Karakteristik usus Dalam Broiler

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 | Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Effect of Dietary Mep+ Inclusion on Intestinal Characteristics In Broiler

Eka Fitasari, Eko Widodo, Osfar Sjofjan


The aim of this research was to examine the effect of dietary MEP+ inclusion on intestinal characteristics in broilers. Forty eight male Lohmann day old chicks produced by PT. Multi Breeder Adirama Indonesia were used and offered three different diets based on age namely, starter (1 - 10 days), grower (11 -28 days), and finisher (29 – 35 days). Feed and water were given ad libitum. They were distributed to four dietary treatments, P1 = Basal diet (control); P2 = Basal diet + probiotics 0.2% (v/w); P3 = Basal diet + probiotics 0.4% (v/w) and P4 = Basal diet + probiotics 0.6% (v/w). Variables measured were intestinal content pH, Viscosity, proteolytic enzyme activity, number and length of villi, coloni number of Lactic Acid Bacteria, E coli and Salmonella sp.
The results showed that inclusion of MEP+ did not significantly influenced pH, proteolytic enzyme activity and the number of villi. But, probiotics MEP+ significantly increased viscosity of intestinal content (P<0,01), and also increased villi height significantly (P<0,01) if added 0,4% in the diet. Treatments also did not affect population of Lactic Acid Bacteria, E coli and Salmonella sp, in fact the last bacteria was also undetected at 10-4 dilution rate. It is concluded that MEP+ might be positively influence the performances of broiler, but further research is needed (JIIPB 2009 Vol 19 No 2: 150-156).
Keywords : MEP+, diet, intestinal characteristics, broiler


MEP+; diet; intestinal characteristics; broiler


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