Cheese Production Using Immobilized Rennin-Mucor pusillus
This study was aimed to understand the good condition of
temperature and pH in the cheese making with immobilized rennin enzyme
from M. pusillus. Rennin from M. pusillus was produced using corn starch
as substrate, incubated at 37oC for 116 hours. Immobilization was
conducted with entrapment method using alginate. Proteolytic and
milk-clotting activities of enzyme was measured. Furthermore, the
immobilized enzyme was used in the cheese production with different
temperatures (32, 37 and 42oC) and pH (5,0; 5,5 and 6,0) using Split
Plot Design. It was conducted a test of pH, titratable acidity and
texture for produced cheese.
The result showed that the alginate matrix can be used to immobilize rennin enzyme from M. pusillus. Immobilization of rennin enzyme from M. pusillus has proteolitic activity value 0.1395 unit/ml/minute and milk-clotting activity value 6090 unit/mg protein/minute. The temperatures (32, 37 and 42oC) in the fresh cheese making using immobilized rennin enzyme M. pusillus gave a highly significant different effect (P<0.01) on texture and pH of fresh cheese. The pH (5.0; 5.5 and 6.0) gave a highly significant different effect (P<0.01) on pH and titratable acidity of fresh cheese.
It is concluded that alginate can be used in the rennin enzyme immobilization. Temperature and pH gave a highly significant different effect on texture, pH and titratable acidity of fresh cheese. The temperature of 37oC and pH 6.0 can be used to make a good quality cheese with immobilized rennin enzyme from M. pusillus using alginate with characters as follows: texture 1,1866 N, pH 4,94-5,21 and titratable acidity 1,409% (JIIPB 2009 Vol 19 No 2: 149-160).
Keywords: immobilized enzyme, microbial rennin, alginate, cheese.
The result showed that the alginate matrix can be used to immobilize rennin enzyme from M. pusillus. Immobilization of rennin enzyme from M. pusillus has proteolitic activity value 0.1395 unit/ml/minute and milk-clotting activity value 6090 unit/mg protein/minute. The temperatures (32, 37 and 42oC) in the fresh cheese making using immobilized rennin enzyme M. pusillus gave a highly significant different effect (P<0.01) on texture and pH of fresh cheese. The pH (5.0; 5.5 and 6.0) gave a highly significant different effect (P<0.01) on pH and titratable acidity of fresh cheese.
It is concluded that alginate can be used in the rennin enzyme immobilization. Temperature and pH gave a highly significant different effect on texture, pH and titratable acidity of fresh cheese. The temperature of 37oC and pH 6.0 can be used to make a good quality cheese with immobilized rennin enzyme from M. pusillus using alginate with characters as follows: texture 1,1866 N, pH 4,94-5,21 and titratable acidity 1,409% (JIIPB 2009 Vol 19 No 2: 149-160).
Keywords: immobilized enzyme, microbial rennin, alginate, cheese.
immobilized enzyme; microbial rennin; alginate; cheese
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Bouzas, J., Kantt, C.A., Felt, B.F.W and Torres, J.A.1993. Time and Temperature Influence on Chemical Aging Indicators for a Commercial Cheddar Cheese. J. Food Sci. 58 (6):1307-1312.
Brock, T.D. 1984. Biotechnology : A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology. Science Tech. Inc. Madison.
Bucke, C. 1982. Industrial Use of Immobilized Enzymes and Cells. Immobilized Microbial Enzymes and Cells. Proceeding of Regional Workshop. Mahidol University. Bangkok.
Carballo, J., Fernandez, G.P., Barreto, M., Solas, T., and Colmenero, F .J. 1996. Morphology and Texture of Bologna Sausage as Related to Contentof Fat, Starch and Egg White. J. Food Sci. 61(3) : 652-655.
Chavez, M.S., Julia, A.L and Garrote, R.L. 1994. Crosslinking Kinetics of Thermally Preset Alginat Gels. J. Food Sci. 59 (5): 1108.
Djaafar, I. R. 2004. Penggunaan Teknik Amobilisasi pada Peningkatan Kestabilan Enzim Penisilin Asilase dengan Berbagai Bahan Pendukung.
El-katatny, M. H., Hetta, M. A., Shaban, M. G and El-komy, M. H. 2003. Improvement of Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes Production by Alginate Encapsulated Trichoderma spp. Food Technol. Biotechnol. 41 (3) 219-225.
Fardiaz, S. 1988. Fisiologi Fermentasi. PAU IPB. Bogor.
Fedrich, I.A and Fuller, S.C. 1988. Comparison of Calf Rennet and Modified Mucor miehei Coagulant in Cheddar Cheese. J. Dairy Technol. 41 (1): 12-15.
Garnot, P and Olson, N.F. 1986. Use of Oscilatory Deformation Technique to Determine Clotting Time and Rigidities of Milk Clotted with Different Consentration of Rennet. J. Food Sci. 47: 1467-1471.
Idris, S. 2002. Pengantar Teknologi Pengolahan Susu. Prog Studi Teknologi Hasil Ternak. LUW Universitas Brawijaya. Malang.
Khan, M.R., Blain, J.A and Patterson, J.D.E. 1979. Extracellular Protease of Mucor pucillus. J. Applied and Env. Microbiology. 17 (4):719-724.
Lehninger, A.L. 1995. Dasar-dasar Biokimia. Jilid 1. Erlangga. Jakarta.
Radiati, L.E. dan Fardiaz, D.1990. Laporan Penelitian Produksi Renin Mucor pusillus pada Substrat Sisa Industri Minyak Jagung. PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB. Bogor.
Muchtadi, D., Palupi S.R dan Astawan, M. 1992. Enzim dalam Industri Pangan. PAU Pangan dan Gizi IPB. Bogor.
Panji, T. 1998. Fermentasi Kontinyu Lendir Biji Kakao Menggunakan Trichoderma harzianum. J. Bioteknologi Pertanian. Vol 3 No. 2.
Pramoedyo, H. 2004. Biometri Lanjutan. Prog Study Statistika. Jurusan Matematika. Fakultas MIPA. UNIBRAW. Malang.
Purnomo, H. dkk. 1996. Rekayasa Paket Produksi Starter dan Enzim Mikrobia dan Paket Aplikasinya Pada Pengolahan Susu. UMM Press. Malang.
Rahayu, K., Naruki, S.dan Kanoni, S.1990. Pemanfaatan Beberapa Bahan Sisa yang Berkadar Selulosa Tinggi untuk Pembuatan Gula (Glukosa). Lembaga Penelitian UGM. Yogyakarta.
Said, G.E. 1987. Bioindustri : Penerapan Teknologi Fermentasi, PT Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa. Jakarta. Hal 83-86.
Sardinas, J.I.1972. Microbial Rennet. J. Applied Microbiol. 15: 39-66.
Sasmito. 1990. Enzim Amobil. PAU Bioteknologi UGM. Yogyakarta.
Scott, R.M. 1986. Cheese Making Practice. 2nd Ed. Elsevier Applied Sci. Publ. London.
Sheu T.Y. and Marshall, R.T. 1993. Microentrapment of Lactobacilli in Ca-Alginat Gel. J. Food Sci. 54 : 557-561
Somkuti, G. A. and Babel, 1968. Acid Protease Synthetis by Mucor pucillus in Chamically Defined Media. JJ. Bact. 95:1407-1412.
Sudarmadji, S., Haryono, B dan Suhardi. 1997. Prosedur Analisa Untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian. Liberty. Yogyakarta.
Wang, N. S. 2006. Enzyme Immobilization Protocol Entrapment in Alginate Gel.
Ward, O.P. 1983. Proteinase. In Forgoty, W. M. (ed). Microbial Enzyme and Biotechnology. Appl. Sci. Publisher. London.
Winarno, F.G. 1984. Enzim Pangan. Gramedia. Jakarta.
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